Welcome to order your favorites at Cheap Sex Toys! We are dedicated to offering you premium quality products at prices that won't break the bank, and with swift delivery to boot.

Handling Time

Our commitment is to dispatch your order within 1-2 business days diligently. Every order is assigned a tracking number once it's on its way. However, we hold no responsibility for any delays or misplaced packages due to unforeseen circumstances or incorrect/invalid addresses initially provided by the customers. Therefore, we urge you to review your shipping address carefully during the checkout.


Shipping Time

We are committed to fulfilling orders within the projected timeline to the best of our ability. It's essential to remember that factors such as extreme weather conditions or congested ports may cause minor delays in your shipment.

For a swift and safe delivery, please supply your contact number and precise delivery address when you checkout.

Country/Region: United States
(a) Discreet Shipping
Shipping Time: 10-15 Business Days
Shipping Cost: $5.99; free for orders above $39.00
(b) Expedited Discreet Shipping
Shipping Time: 7-10 Business Days
Shipping Cost: $15

Country/Region: Canada
(a) Discreet Shipping
Shipping Time: 10-15 Business Days
Shipping Cost: $5.90; 
(b) Expedited Discreet Shipping
Shipping Time: 7-10 Business Days
Shipping Cost: $39

Country/Region: Australia
(a) Discreet Shipping
Shipping Time: 10-15 Business Days
Shipping Cost: $5.99; free for orders above $39
(b) Expedited Discreet Shipping
Shipping Time: 7-10 Business Days
Shipping Cost: $15

Other Countries/Regions
(a) Discreet Shipping
Shipping Time: 10-20 Business Days (Depending on the region)
Shipping fee: $5.99; free for orders over $39
(b) Expedited Discreet Shipping
Shipping Time: 10-20 Business Days (Depending on the region)
Shipping fee: $15